Package org.ntnu.idi.idatt2106.sparesti.sparestibackend.service

package org.ntnu.idi.idatt2106.sparesti.sparestibackend.service
  • Classes
    Provides account-related operations bound to the user's session context within the application.
    Service responsible for registering a new user, logging in an existing user and refreshing a user's access token
    Service class for managing challenges.
    Service for managing password change requests and related operations, such as sending password reset emails and updating user passwords.
    Service responsible for uploading and getting images for users, challenges and goals.
    Service class for handling business logic related to Goal entity and DTO's
    Service class for handling business logic related to biometric registration and login
    Service class for handling business logic related to Userconfig entity and DTO's
    Handles business logic related to the user entity.