All Classes and Interfaces

DTO used when returning access token
Represents an embeddable account entity within a database.
Exception that is thrown when creating an account that already exists
Controller for endpoints related to user bank accounts
DTO for Account
Mapper interface for converting back and forth from the Account entity to its DTO's in addition to cascading updates from a DTO to the entity.
Exception that is thrown when putting to an account that does not exist
DTO for Account
Provides account-related operations bound to the user's session context within the application.
Type of account
DTO for Account
Exception for active goal limit (10)
Class for instantiating beans used during server runtime
Util class for method used in application
Class that populates the database with test data
Exception thrown for when assertion request was not found
Controller used for registering and logging in a user and returning access and refresh tokens
DTO for log in
Service responsible for registering a new user, logging in an existing user and refreshing a user's access token
Represents a registered authenticator for a user in a system that supports web authentication (WebAuthn).
Repository interface for abstracting communication with the data layer related to the Authenticator entity used for storing biometric login credentials
Badge entity used to represent a badge that user's can get after completing a given amount of challenges
DTO for Badge
Mapper interface for converting back and forth from the Badge entity to its DTO's in addition to cascading updates from dto's onto the entity object from a DTO to the entity.
Exception that is thrown for bad user input
Mapper interface for converting BioAuthRequest credentials to a String.
DTO for BioAuthRequest
Class used to save a handle in database inside user entity
Represents a saving challenge within the system.
Exception thrown for when attempting to complete challenge that was already completed
Represents configuration preferences for challenges associated with a user within the system.
Exception thrown for when attempting to create Challenge config if user already has one
Controller used to manage endpoints related to a user's challenge configuration.
Mapper interface for converting back and forth from DTO to entity for Challenge entity
Exception thrown for attempting to find non-existent Challenge config
Validator for ChallengeConfigDTO's from HTTP requests
Controller for managing endpoints for saving challenges
DTO for Challenge
DTO for Challenge
Mapper interface for converting back and forth from a DTO to a Challenge entity.
Exception thrown for when challenge could not be found
Repository interface that communicates with the data layer relating to the Challenge entity.
Service class for managing challenges.
Represents different types of challenges and their associated monetary values for each consumption.
Embedded class that represents configuration settings specific to a type of challenge within the system.
Mapper interface for converting back and forth from a DTO to a Challenge entity.
DTO for Challenge
Validator class for fields in ChallengeCreateDTO
Controller for managing forgotPassword endpoints
Represents a request to change a user's password.
Repository interface for communicating with the data layer in relation to the ChangePasswordRequest entity.
DTO for change password request
Service for managing password change requests and related operations, such as sending password reset emails and updating user passwords.
Exception thrown for config not found
Config class to enable CORS in requests.
Exception thrown for attempting to find mail that does not exist
Classifies user experience with saving to five distinct levels
Service responsible for uploading and getting images for users, challenges and goals.
Global exception handler to handle different types of exceptions across the application.
Represents a financial goal set by a user.
Handles all requests directed to goal endpoints.
DTO for Goal
Mapper interface for converting back and forth from a DTO to a Goal entity.
Exception for goal not found
Repository interface responsible for communicating with the data layer in relation to the Goal entity.
DTO for Goal
Service class for handling business logic related to Goal entity and DTO's
DTO for Goal
Validator class for fields in GoalCreateDTO
Filter chain for JWT token that is executed for every request
Serviced responsible for business logic related to JWT tokens
DTO used returning JWT tokens upon successful login and register
Classifies a user's motivation to save into 5 distinct levels
Exception for goal that is not active
Exception for goal invalid object
Validator class for DTO objects received from HTTP-requests Its generic type allows flexibility across DTO's
Configuration class for defining OpenAPI documentation settings.
Class to represent the different regexes that are used to validate input fields.
Validator class for regexes
Mapper interface for converting between a User entity and register/login DTO's
DTO used when registering a new user
Service class for handling business logic related to biometric registration and login
DTO for resetting password
Granted role for authenticated user
Configuration class for security settings.
Main class that boots the application
Exception thrown in relation to uploading and getting files
Exception thrown in relation to files uploads when they are not found
Class containing the location of the folder for storing uploaded files.
DTO for User
Represents a user of the system, encapsulating all personal and authentication details.
Exception that is thrown when creating a user that already exists
Represents embedded configuration details for a user.
Controller for managing endpoints of a user's configuration
DTO for UserConfig
Mapper interface for converting back and forth from a DTO to a UserConfig entity.
Service class for handling business logic related to Userconfig entity and DTO's
Controller for managing endpoints for a user's profile
Mapper interface for converting back and forth from a DTO to a User entity.
Exception thrown for finding non-existent user
Repository interface for communicating with the data layer related to the user entity
DTO for User
Handles business logic related to the user entity.
DTO for User
Validates DTO's used for registering and editing a User entity
Configures web auth